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Aerospace Engineering,
Computational Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
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'It's Not Win or Lose, it's Win or Learn': Bold Leaders Give Advice to the Next Generation
The Cockrell School's Bold Leadership Download, moderated by students from the Texas Rocket Engineering Lab, featured alumni Jeannie Leavitt and Tim Crain, who discussed topics of career success, fostering innovation through collaboration, and why failure is essential for creating meaningful change.
ASE/EM Industry Open House
Join us for ASE/EM Industry Open House on Thursday, January 30 from 1 - 4:30 PM. Visit with members of industry in the fields of aerospace and computational engineering. Bring your resume and questions. Open to all students.
Better AI Could Mean Smooth Sailing in the World of Turbulence Modeling
With new funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Fabrizio Bisetti is leading a research team that aims to greatly improve turbulent flow modeling using advanced machine learning techniques.
Jin Yang Awarded Pilot Seed Grant from Semiconductor Research Corporation
Jin Yang has been awarded a pilot seed grant from the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) to support cutting-edge research in semiconductor packaging.
Space Tech Entrepreneurship
Introducing the new Space Tech Graduate Specialization for M.S. and Ph.D. students, which is open to all technical areas and comprised of topics in aerospace tech, with a solid foundation in business and entrepreneurship.
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Research Areas
Aerothermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
This area involves research in hypersonics, aerodynamics, turbulence, plasma science and...
Computational Engineering
This area involves study and research on theoretical and implementational aspects of numerical...
Controls, Autonomy and Robotics
This area involves research in system theory, controls, networks, autonomy, and robotics with...
Orbital Mechanics
This area involves study and research in orbital mechanics, space geodesy, and remote sensing in...
Solids, Structures and Materials
This area involves study and research in mechanics of composite materials, fracture mechanics,...
In Research Expenditures
Graduate Aerospace Engineering Program in the Nation
U.S. News & World Report
Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering Program in the Nation
U.S. News & World Report
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